Monday, July 16, 2012


Great way to start a trip to Barcelona is to go on a free walking tour provided by Travel Bar. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and in three hours was able to show us the main highlights of the old Barcelona. Placa Sant Felip Neri is known as the most romantic square in Barcelona, but its also known as the square that marks tragic historic events from Spanish Civil War when about 50 people were killed when a bomb dropped on them. 

A wall was bombed during Civil War in 1936. 
Placa Sant Felip Neri  
Placa Sant Felip Neri

In order to hear some really awesome street music it is worth walking around Placa Nova, where Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia (aka Barcelona Cathedral) is located, towards Palau Reial Major. On the big steps of Palau Reial Major is where Columbus informed the king and the queen of discovering the American continent.  

Barcelona Cathedral
Palau Reial Major
Steps of Palau Reial Major

It is also worth to see the Temple of Augustus four roman columns, this is where Barcelona started in 1century BC. They are located in the courtyard of Centre Excursionista de Catalunya.

I can't forget the beach and the port! The beach is probably the most crowded place in Barcelona. The sand was brought in from the Sahara Deserts, and the palm trees have also traveled from the south. 

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